Go Projects
Try these projects/exercises for learning Go. These increase in terms of complexity. First read Go Bootcamp
Building Linux CLIs in Go
Some other CLIs to build (to practice and hone your skills)
tail -f
find and exec
Other exercises you can try
Build a simple port scanner in Go
Build a file watcher in Go
2️⃣ How to measure your success for the Linux CLI building level?
Platform (System) engineering
Log aggregation system in Go (Grafana Loki v0.0.1)
HTTP and API building in Go
🚧 Work in progress.
I am working on building the following exercises. I’ll update this page when these exercises are ready.
A CLI based game to guess stars of popular GitHub repos
A GitHub REST API consumer to download user’s data from GitHub (e.g. followers, repos, orgs, etc.)
A fully featured REST API for an online KYC (know your customer) system. This will include REST APIs, relational DB, Redis for caching, RabbitMQ as a queue, async workers for processing, etc. This is as close to real world as it gets!