



Go Projects

Try these projects/exercises for learning Go. These increase in terms of complexity. First read Go Bootcamp


  1. 🔩 Tour of Go

  2. 📊 Basic Number filtering

  3. 🎓 Student Grading problem

  4. 🐷 A game of Pig

  5. 1️⃣ How to measure your success at the basic level?

Building Linux CLIs in Go

  1. 📙 Word count in Go

  2. 🔍 Grep in Go

  3. 🌲 Tree in Go

  4. Some other CLIs to build (to practice and hone your skills)

    • uniq

    • tee

    • tail -f

    • find and exec

  5. Other exercises you can try

    • Build a simple port scanner in Go

    • Build a file watcher in Go

  6. 2️⃣ How to measure your success for the Linux CLI building level?

Platform (System) engineering

  1. 📚 Key Value DB (Redis) in Go

  2. 📦 MongoDB Oplog to SQL Parser

  3. Log aggregation system in Go (Grafana Loki v0.0.1)

HTTP and API building in Go

🚧 Work in progress.

I am working on building the following exercises. I’ll update this page when these exercises are ready.

  • A CLI based game to guess stars of popular GitHub repos

  • A GitHub REST API consumer to download user’s data from GitHub (e.g. followers, repos, orgs, etc.)

  • A fully featured REST API for an online KYC (know your customer) system. This will include REST APIs, relational DB, Redis for caching, RabbitMQ as a queue, async workers for processing, etc. This is as close to real world as it gets!