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Tree code feedback

Think of the feedback below as PR comments on your code. I have reviewed the Tree implementation written by many developers and condensed my common PR comments below. When you implement tree in Go, these are some things you should look into. These will help you evaluate whether your solution is good enough.

Argument Parsing and configuration

Argument Parsing and configuration

Argument Parsing and configuration

Argument Parsing and configuration

Code formatting and tooling

Code formatting and tooling

Code formatting and tooling

Code formatting and tooling

Unit testing and error handling

Unit testing and error handling

Unit testing and error handling

Unit testing and error handling

Performance and core recursive walking logic

Performance and core recursive walking logic

Performance and core recursive walking logic

Performance and core recursive walking logic

Handling JSON, XML, and normal tree printing

Handling JSON, XML, and normal tree printing

Handling JSON, XML, and normal tree printing

Handling JSON, XML, and normal tree printing

Others (Misc)

Others (Misc)

Others (Misc)

Others (Misc)