One2N Values
☯️ Pragmatism
Pragmatic programmers know that there’s no such thing as perfect software. They know that change is the only constant, so they design the software to make it easier to change. They take responsibility for their work and communicate with teams in the language they’ll understand.
Software engineering is not about perfection, it’s about trade-offs. We reason about various approaches considering the trade-offs they offer. Instead of trying to build a perfect solution, we’d rather build a “good-enough” solution that does the job today and can scale for tomorrow’s needs.
💡Pragmatic software engineering,
released to production.
🤲 Humility
🎨 Curiosity and Care for the Craft
🏋️ Ownership
📖 Continuous Learning
One2N Values
☯️ Pragmatism
Pragmatic programmers know that there’s no such thing as perfect software. They know that change is the only constant, so they design the software to make it easier to change. They take responsibility for their work and communicate with teams in the language they’ll understand.
Software engineering is not about perfection, it’s about trade-offs. We reason about various approaches considering the trade-offs they offer. Instead of trying to build a perfect solution, we’d rather build a “good-enough” solution that does the job today and can scale for tomorrow’s needs.
💡Pragmatic software engineering,
released to production.
🤲 Humility
🎨 Curiosity and Care for the Craft
🏋️ Ownership
📖 Continuous Learning
One2N Values
☯️ Pragmatism
Pragmatic programmers know that there’s no such thing as perfect software. They know that change is the only constant, so they design the software to make it easier to change. They take responsibility for their work and communicate with teams in the language they’ll understand.
Software engineering is not about perfection, it’s about trade-offs. We reason about various approaches considering the trade-offs they offer. Instead of trying to build a perfect solution, we’d rather build a “good-enough” solution that does the job today and can scale for tomorrow’s needs.
💡Pragmatic software engineering,
released to production.
🤲 Humility
🎨 Curiosity and Care for the Craft
🏋️ Ownership
📖 Continuous Learning
One2N Values
☯️ Pragmatism
Pragmatic programmers know that there’s no such thing as perfect software. They know that change is the only constant, so they design the software to make it easier to change. They take responsibility for their work and communicate with teams in the language they’ll understand.
Software engineering is not about perfection, it’s about trade-offs. We reason about various approaches considering the trade-offs they offer. Instead of trying to build a perfect solution, we’d rather build a “good-enough” solution that does the job today and can scale for tomorrow’s needs.
💡Pragmatic software engineering,
released to production.
🤲 Humility
🎨 Curiosity and Care for the Craft
🏋️ Ownership
📖 Continuous Learning
One2N Values
☯️ Pragmatism
Pragmatic programmers know that there’s no such thing as perfect software. They know that change is the only constant, so they design the software to make it easier to change. They take responsibility for their work and communicate with teams in the language they’ll understand.
Software engineering is not about perfection, it’s about trade-offs. We reason about various approaches considering the trade-offs they offer. Instead of trying to build a perfect solution, we’d rather build a “good-enough” solution that does the job today and can scale for tomorrow’s needs.
💡Pragmatic software engineering,
released to production.